Dawnelle Arthur

I'm not sure. You may be going down versus back as you create energy ball. Your knee might wobble as you go down, so we need big toe press and movement physics. Let's talk about this in your next live class. My favorite AgeDEFY saying: "You're only one or two adjustments away from making it work." We will figure it out in the next coaching session. See you soon! 

 I love to hear it! It takes time to figure out each movement puzzle piece of AgeDEFY, but it feels great when you do! Keep moving and grooving! I'm so happy you came back!!! I can't wait to find out how you feel at the end of the 90 day challenge. I'm cheering for you! 


Feb 14 at 01:11 PM

Tuesday is MobilityFLOW and Wednesdays are posture training :) I have (so far) kept up with posting every day. We are on workout 23 today. It's a 23 minute posture training class. I hope you love it! 

Feb 09 at 08:12 AM

Work the Wobble is the best coach! When you find a workout that wobbles you, you know it's a workout you must do again. Save it for sure!

Feb 09 at 08:10 AM

I apologize for missing your comment. I like to say "Movement Reveals All" in every workout. We want movement to reveal what we can and cannot do because the more we know about our bodies, the better we feel. Keep moving and grooving ❤️

Feb 09 at 08:06 AM

See you next week :) 


Feb 09 at 08:06 AM

Pada Bandha: Lift all ten toes, Press down through the tripod energy of each foot, and activate the outer lines of your lower legs by lifting the feet' inner and outer arch lines. Don't itch, the itch. Stay away from foam rolling :)

Feb 09 at 08:02 AM

You're welcome! I love that you're doing the challenge with me. I look forward to finding out how you feel at the end of the 90-day challenge. Thanks for being here. ❤️

Feb 09 at 07:59 AM

This is why we AgeDEFY!! I am so happy you took my advice to start the training during your recovery time. Look at how far you have come! Getting more ROM is the goal! Please apply Wu Wei to your healing. Let the ROM build with each workout. Let's take the entire 90 days to heal. Take your time and chase the feel good. ❤️