Today's workout is from last year's movement therapy book club, where we read The Four Agreements. I'm sharing a 25-minute edit from week two of the book club for today's workout. It's a good one, and I think you'll love it!
Don't take anything personally:
Nothing can stick to you when you can open your chest, expand your ribs, and harmoniously engage your back muscles. The way other people treat you has nothing to do with you.
The ultimate AgeDEFY BodyAbility goal is the roll-to-stand. This is what we are working on at the live class studio in February and March. Join in on the fun!
How is everyone doing on the MYLY 90-Day Challenge? Have you seen the new challenge rules? The rules are as follows: Complete 65 movement therapy workouts before April 14, 2024, to receive the prestigious AgeDEFY Certificate of Health Award. This is Workout 26 of the challenge, and it's one of my favorites! Check-in with me today to let me know how you're feeling and let me know how the challenge is going for you!
I recently discovered that my community posts are landing in your inbox. I only wish to have the community announcements found on our website rather than to be emailed.
I have reached out to find out how to shut off the email function, but here is a quick note for now.
The 90 challenge is in full-effect and I'm loving it! I just posted today's workout of the day and can't wait for you to get to work on it!
It's a 20-minute AgeDEFY Yoga Sculpt workout using 5-pound weights. The perfect workout for today!
To follow the daily challenge, please go directly to the challenge studio.
Don't forget to talk to me during the challenge. I get to know you through your comments after the workouts. The more I know you, the better coach I can be for you.
Blast from the past workout: BarreFLOW from April 23, 2023 called Gerry's favorite. Please read the About section on the video to learn more about today's challenge workout.
New Movement New Results
You won't need a chair for this workout. What you need is a yoga mat and two yoga blocks. We begin with movement therapy before exploring BarreFLOW on the floor.
The workouts at the live class studio are 40-45 minutes long, combined with before-the-class and after-class coaching segments, which can turn the live classes into an hour-long experience. But for this challenge, I am editing my favorite 30 or fewer minutes from each class and offering them to you on the challenge. This workout has my favorite 27-minute moments of the MobilityFLOW Vinyasa workout from January 16, 2024.