March 07

Move Young Live Young 90-Day Program

  • Workout 37


Your sense of balance relies on the relationship between your central nervous system (brain) and your sensory system.

In this workout, we train the following:

Your vision: Your eyes send your brain impulses that show where your body is in relation to other objects.

Your skin, joints, and muscles: When your body moves, it puts pressure on your tissues. Your tissues send signals to your brain, telling it where your body is in relation to space. For example, if you’re standing up and leaning back, you put pressure on tissues in the back of your foot and lower leg. That pressure lets your brain know you’re leaning instead of standing straight.

The helicopter spins help to deepen the connection to the central nervous system to help you to maintain balance and manage dizziness. 

Enjoy the therapy! 


MobilityFLOW — Helicopter S...

Move Young Live Young 90-Day ProgramWorkout 37BalanceYour...