January 20, 2024

Day 5: BarreFLOW 

This workout was posted on the online studio for the day five challenge. It's a feel-good workout you don't want to miss. 

AgeDEFY Challenge Coaching Advice:

The goal of the Move Young Live Young 90 day challenge is to complete 70 AgeDEFY workouts in 90 days. I will post five new workouts every week during the challenge from Monday to Friday and on the weekends, you get to choose your own workouts!

Three ways to work the 90 day challenge on the weekends:

Option 1: Repeat to Get Better

  • Chase your feel good: choose your favorite workout from the week and repeat it.

Option 2: Rest Day

  • If you need a day off, take a day off. Listen to your body. 

Option 3: Keep Moving and Grooving  

Bonus Option: 

Enjoy the therapy! 


BarreFLOW — Hip Therapy

Move Young Live Young 90-Day Program Workout 5Healthy hips...